Thursday, 25 February 2010

Things I'm 'getting right':
I have bought one pack of cigarettes since the end of January.
I no longer drink every single day leaving bars with absurd tabs after one hour.
Paying my bills on time.
Spending time with my family.
Growing out my bangs [I currently have a down the middle part].

The one thing I can't seem to figure out is my diet [and exercise]. I think I'm addicted to food, and have an insatiable taste for it. I have noticed that I become bloated and sick, however, following a meal. I was never concerned with it before, but I grew curious. So I hit the internet to diagnosis myself because I refuse to go to the doctor. And by refuse, I probably mean can't afford.
So I have determined that I have Coeliac disease, or gluten intolerance: not to confuse with being allergic. It bothers me when people tell me they are allergic to something when they only dislike it. You're not allergic to cilantro! I have also developed over the years a lactose intolerance. I don't know what my body is doing to me, but it fucking sucks. I definitely ignored being slightly lactose intolerant, but I'm going through one of my phases right now. Welcome to the world of eating gluten free, dairy free, beer free, and meat free. The meat free is thrown in there because as a sprite college student, I wanted to be a vegetarian, and succeeded. When I decided to introduce meat back into my diet, my body rejected it. I can eat small quantities, but not as much as I would like to.
I am on day two of my diet, and it will be interesting to see how difficult this turns out to be. Considering my circumstances, which include working in a restaurant, working late so being hungry late, partially living with my boyfriend in Midlothian which offers one Wal Mart and one Brookshire's. Also, having to explain to people what the fuck I'm doing, or why. "So you're a vegan...but you eat fish? You're a vegetarian then...but you don't eat dairy?" I've had it all before. I wish not to be classified as anything and eat any way I like, thank you very much.

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